


On Wednesday night, the finale of “The Great American Baking Show: Holiday Edition” aired on ABC. The show, which began airing on Nov. 30, featured several Chicago-area contestants who became friends during filming.


The contestants included Kara Hartnett, 35, a stay-at-home mom from Evanston; Bryce Jackson, 50, a customer service rep from Hyde Park; and Whitney Laufenberg, 26, an actress living in Los Angeles who is originally from St. Charles.

该节目的选手包括凯拉·哈特尼特(Kara Hartnett),这位35岁的主妇来自埃文斯顿(Evanston);布莱斯·杰克逊(Bryce Jackson),这位50岁的客户服务代表来自海德公园(Hyde Park);以及惠特尼·劳芬贝格(Whitney Laufenberg),这位现居洛杉矶的女演员原籍来自圣查尔斯(St. Charles)。

The three were “essentially just thrown into it” together, Kara said.


“You’re in this bubble and you don’t realize that there are other things happening in different parts of the world,” she said.


But once Kara met Bryce and Whitney, she knew she had made some lasting friendships.


“I was so lucky to have met Bryce and Whitney,” she said. “They are genuinely wonderful, loving people.”


Bryce brought her own unique style to the show, infusing her Caribbean background into her baking.


“I love to bake island-style sweets,” Bryce said. “I love to infuse tropical ingredients like coconut, ginger and spices in my bakes.”


Whitney, who was the youngest contestant on the show, offered a vegan touch.


“I cook vegan because I love animals,” she said. “So, I always like to test my baking skills to be sure I can create delicious, vegan desserts.”


And while the competition was fierce, all three agreed that the friendships they formed were the best part of the experience.


“We were truly rooting for each other,” Whitney said.


And after all is said and done, Kara said she will treasure her time on the show and the friends she made along the way.


“We had so much fun together,” she said. “Our friendship is what’s important.”
