Jerry Li

Jerry Li is an accomplished journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth. He currently works as a correspondent for USChinaDaily, a leading news outlet that provides comprehensive coverage of news and events of interest to the Chinese diaspora in the United States. Jerry began his career in journalism in China, where he worked for a number of well-respected news organizations. His work focused on politics, business, and social issues, and he quickly established himself as a skilled and insightful reporter. At USChinaDaily, Jerry's reporting covers a wide range of topics, including US-China relations, technology, finance, and culture. He is committed to providing accurate and nuanced reporting on issues that are important to the Chinese community in the United States. Jerry is known for his commitment to fairness and objectivity in his reporting. He believes that quality journalism plays a crucial role in promoting understanding and empathy between different cultures and communities. In his free time, Jerry enjoys reading, exploring new places, and trying new foods. He believes that travel is a powerful tool for gaining new perspectives and insights, and is always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow.