

WASHINGTON (AP) — 美国将为巴拿马提供飞机票和其他帮助,以便根据周一签署的协议将移民送回原籍国,这是该中美洲国家新总统发誓要关闭达连地峡的一部分。

《达连地峡》是《ther states to the south. More than half a million people traversed the corridor last year and more than 190,000 people have crossed so far in 2024, with most of the migrants hailing from Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and China.

The agreement comes as the Biden administration has been struggling to show voters during an election year that it has a handle on immigration and border security. Former President Donald Trump, who韩has made immigration a key election year issue, has starkly criticized Biden, saying he’s responsible for the problems at the border.

In early June President Joe Biden announced a new measure to cut off access to asylum when the number of people arriving at the southern border reaches a certain number. Homeland Security officials have credited those restrictions with cutting the number of people encountered by Border Patrol by 40% since they were enacted.

The administration has also moved to allow certain U.

S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country. The action by Biden, a Democrat, could affect upwards of half a million immigrants.
