Xin Chen

Xin Chen is a senior journalist with USChinaDaily, a major news outlet based in the United States that covers news of interest to the overseas Chinese community. With years of experience in the media industry, Xin is one of the most respected and seasoned journalists in the field of international news reporting. Xin began her career as a news correspondent in China, covering a wide range of domestic and international news events. Her passion for journalism and her commitment to excellence quickly earned her a reputation as a skilled and insightful reporter, and she was soon promoted to more senior roles within the industry. Today, Xin is based in the United States, where she serves as a senior correspondent for USChinaDaily. Her reporting focuses primarily on US-China relations, business and finance, technology, education, and culture. With her deep knowledge and understanding of both Chinese and American culture, Xin is uniquely positioned to provide insightful analysis and commentary on the complex issues facing the two countries. As a news outlet based in the United States, USChinaDaily is dedicated to bringing accurate and timely news coverage to the Chinese diaspora living in North America. Its mission is to provide a bridge between the two countries and to promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. Throughout her career, Xin has been widely recognized and honored for her contributions to journalism. She has received numerous awards and accolades for her reporting, including several from China's top journalism associations. She is also a sought-after speaker and commentator, and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to discuss the latest news and events.