

In the recent graduation ceremony at Emerson College, emotions were running high as protests erupted over the issue of Palestine. The commencement, which took place on May 13th, saw tensions rise as supporters and opponents of the Palestinian cause clashed outside the venue.

The protests began when a group of students affiliated with the Emerson Pro-Palestine Collective unfurled a large banner reading “Free Palestine” during the ceremony. The move sparked immediate backlash from some attendees, who began chanting slogans in support of Israel.

The situation quickly escalated as more people joined the fray, with some individuals on both sides engaging in physical altercations. Security personnel were called in to try and diffuse the situation, but were unable to prevent several scuffles from breaking out.

The melee outside the graduation venue mirrored the division within the Emerson community over the issue of Palestine. While some students and faculty members supported the pro-Palestine protesters, others vehemently opposed their actions.

“I believe in the right to free speech, but there is a time and a place for everything,” said one attendee who wished to remain anonymous. “Graduation should be a time of celebration, not a platform for political unrest.”

Despite the controversy, the commencement ceremony itself proceeded without any further disruptions. The graduating class of 2021 was praised for their resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emerson College President M. Lee Pelton addressed the graduates in his speech, urging them to use their education to make a positive impact on the world. “Now more than ever, we need individuals who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and work towards a more just and equitable society,” he said.

The protests at the Emerson College commencement have sparked a heated debate on campus and beyond about the tensions between Israel and Palestine. Some students have called for a more open dialogue on the issue, while others believe that the protests were inappropriate given the celebratory nature of the event.

As the Emerson community continues to grapple with the fallout from the protests, it remains to be seen how the college will address the issue moving forward. However, one thing is clear: emotions are still running high on campus in the aftermath of the commencement ceremony.