



A Good Samaritan helped a missing teenager in Washington D.C. who claimed she was raped. The incident has prompted significant attention from law enforcement, who are actively searching for the suspect.

According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the 17-year-old girl was reported missing on July 9. The teenager was last seen in the 4800 block of G Street, Southeast. Friends and family were desperate to locate her and spread the word on social media.

The night of July 12, a woman noticed a distressed teenager sitting at a bus stop in the 700 block of Barnes Street, Northeast. The woman approached the girl and realized she matched the description of the missing teenager. The girl claimed she had been raped and was in a state of distress.

Concerned for the girl’s safety, the Good Samaritan called the police. Officers arrived on the scene and began interviewing the teenager. She shared details about her ordeal, including the location where the rape reportedly occurred and a description of the suspect.

The police have deemed this case significant and are actively pursuing the investigation. No additional information about the suspect has been released at this time.

Authorities also commend the Good Samaritan who stepped forward to help the victim. Their assistance in locating the missing teenager and promptly reporting the incident to the police has been crucial to the investigation. Law enforcement is urging anyone with knowledge or information regarding the case to come forward and report it.

Sexual assault is a traumatic experience for the victim, and it can have severe physical and emotional effects. The Metropolitan Police Department emphasizes the importance of reporting such instances promptly, as it enables them to investigate and take appropriate action.

The investigation is ongoing, and anyone with information related to the incident is urged to contact the police.



根据华盛顿特区警察局的消息,这名17岁的女孩在7月9日被报失踪。该少女最后一次出现在东南G Street的4800街区。亲友们为寻找她感到绝望,并通过社交媒体扩散消息。

7月12日晚上,一名女性注意到一名心烦意乱的少女坐在东北Barnes Street的700街区的一个公交车站。这名女性接近这名少女,意识到她与失踪少女的描述相符。这名少女声称自己遭到了强奸,并且处于一种痛苦的状态中。




